Slip and Fall Case Settled at Mediation for $675,000.00
January 25th 2024

Our client slipped and fell as she was descending the second-floor stairs in her apartment building caused by water on a step and tumbled down nine concrete stairs. The Plaintiff was using the stairway because the elevator was out of service to the lobby floor in that the lobby floor was being tiled. Addabbo & Greenberg Attorney James O’Hare, Esq. argued that the Defendant negligently created and permitted the stairway to become and remain in a wet, slick and slippery dangerous condition due to tile work and grouting that was being performed. During depositions it was discovered that the tile workers were going up and down the steps with buckets of water while performing their work.
The Plaintiff had prior lumbar disc surgery in 2014, five years prior to the instant accident, and reinjured that area. The accident caused severe radiculopathy. The initial offer in the case was $100,000.00 but, with persistence by our office, the case was settled for $675,000.00 on January 25, 2024, almost 7 times what the insurance company offered!
If you are injured call Addabbo & Greenberg at 718-268-0400 or visit us at